
Dreaming Big

Lina Mohamed: Dreaming Big Lina Mohamed shares her story as an Ethiopian American with a diverse cultural heritage. Born in a small town in Texas, Lina was never afraid to pursue her dreams. She recalls her journey into the big city of New York, and how she hopes to make a difference in the lives

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Navigating Identity

Nausheen Rajan: Navigating Identity Nausheen Rajan is a member of the 2018-19 MALA Young Leaders Fellowship. Fellows participate in monthly digital seminars, dinner discussions, and other MALA events. As part of the program, Fellows reflect on their multiple layers of identities – as daughters, sons, professionals, athletes, and so much more – and share those reflections

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A Secular Muslim in Mecca

Humaira Ghilzai: A Secular Muslim in Mecca Humaira is the co-founder of Afghan Friends Network (AFN). She was the cultural consultant for stage productions of the Kite Runner, BLOOD AND GIFTS, and other theatrical and Hollywood media. Humaira blogs about Afghan culture and cuisine on her widely popular site—Afghan Culture Unveiled. Previously, Humaira was director of International Marketing at

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