Fanta N’Diasseny: A Girl With a Dream
Fanta immigrated to the United States at the age of eight. Her story outlines her triumphs, and her dedication to education as a cherished American value.
Life isn’t about finding yourself or figuring out what separates you from everyone else, it’s about all the different challenges and obstacles you’ve overcome that have helped you get to where you are. I say this because the many hardships I have endured throughout my life have helped me turn into the strong and independent woman that I am becoming.
The most significant experience that I have had in my life is moving to the United States at a very young age. Although I was born in America, I wasn’t raised in this country. I grew up in Guinea, West Africa. Guinea is the complete opposite of America. The school systems are different, the culture is different, even the people are different.
I moved back to the United States when I was 8 years old, and believe me when I say my whole life changed afterwards. I had to learn a new language, get accustomed to a new culture, and even forced myself to get used to new food items. I learned English very fast and people were very astonished by how quickly I grasped a new language. Honestly, the only reason why I learned English so fast is because it’s moderately like French, which was one of my first languages. I never tell anyone that though, I just let them think that I’m a genius.
When I came to America, I left behind my entire family and everything I had ever known. I do believe that being in a new country encourages me to do my best because I want to be able to show others that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. One of the main reasons why I was brought to America was to obtain a substantial education. Going to college isn’t the route for everyone, but college is the only option that I have chosen for myself. A college degree supplies possibilities beyond belief.
America has transformed to an economy based on comprehension and perception. An impressive education can open up wondrous doors for students in today’s economic approaches. Without a quality education, today’s children are more likely to acquire a minimum wage job that will not get them anywhere in life, and that is not what I wish for my livelihood to consist of. I will utilize my knowledge, plant my feet in society, and make it my mission to let children know that there is nothing more important than their education. I found this out very late in life, and although it has helped me grow as a person, it wouldn’t hurt to help reassure the next generation.
As a Black Muslim woman, I owe it to myself and my family to become the absolute best version of myself. I’m currently majoring in Advertising and Marketing Communications at The Fashion Institute of Technology. I will be receiving my Associates degree in the Spring and transferring to Lehman College to study Health Services Administration for my Bachelors. degree. I aspire to open up Healthcare centers in my Country, and gradually expanding worldwide. Can you imagine a young girl from West Africa moving to New York City with such big dreams? I hope that your answer is yes, because nothing will get in the way of me accomplishing my goals. Receiving a higher education with your support will entrust me with all the knowledge and skills that I will need to dominate and excel in college and in life.