JUNE 18, 2019
Last week, MALA’s Executive Director, Zainab Khan sat down with Maria Torrens of Salam Plan to discuss MALA’s work in storytelling, and her own unique perspective on identity and empowerment in America’s Muslim communities and beyond.
When asked about her Muslim identity, Khan responds,
“I don’t just want to be known as a Muslim, I’m also Iranian, Turkish or Bosnian, and I’m also a female, and a mum… Muslim Americans, especially, are not a monolith. They’re one of the most diverse groups in the United States: socially, politically, economically… it’s the broadest social demographic [group].”
This interview offers a window into MALA’s efforts to elevate stories, amplify voices, and bring nuance to the conversation of Muslim identity, heritage, and culture in the U.S.
Click here to read Zainab’s complete interview with Salam Plan!